Trusts and Foundations

Members of the Income Generation Team and a dog in training at Canine Partners receiving a cheque from a Charitable Trust

Are you interested in supporting the creation of life-transforming partnerships between physically disabled adults and our amazing assistance dogs?

If so, we want to work with you.

Whether it be funding towards our core running costs, sponsorship of a dog from puppyhood to retirement or for a specific project, all donations are gratefully received and go a long way in helping us to achieve our vision; that every disabled person lives their life to the full.

We enjoy meaningful relationships with supporters that share this vision and we work closely with all Trusts and Foundations to ensure they are kept updated on the widespread and long-lasting impact that their gift has made. We rely on donations to fund the specialised and tailored services that we provide, and this vital support enables us to deliver as many of our amazing partnerships as possible.

If you would like to support our work, we would be delighted to discuss our funding needs with you or show you around our training centre in Leicestershire to demonstrate our valuable work first hand.

Please contact us using the form below or call our Trusts and Grants Manager on 01530 225939.

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We will use the personal information collected on this form to process and communicate with you about your enquiry.

Canine Partners respect your personal information and your privacy and we will not sell or share your data with other organisations.

We may use your contact details and information on how you support or engage with us to provide information we think you will find interesting. To find out more about how we manage your personal data, please read our Privacy Policy at

To hear about our life-transforming work and ways to donate and raise funds to support us, please let us know how you would like us to contact you:

You can change how you hear from us, including telling us if you do not wish to receive occasional direct mail or calls from Canine Partners by visiting or by calling 01730 716 010.