Corporate Volunteering and Gifts in Kind

Volunteering is a great way to engage your employees and presents a fantastic team building opportunity.  

Volunteer at our National Training Centre 

We can accommodate groups of up to 15 people at a time to volunteer at our National Training Centre near Loughborough, Leicestershire, to undertake essential site maintenance. By having this type of support, we can funnel the funds saved into forming more life-changing partnerships. 

Volunteer at events 

We are also always looking for volunteers for fundraising events and awareness days, which is a chance to meet other supporters and share what Canine Partners does with the public.  

Gift your professional skills
Pro bono support is always welcomed from our corporate supporters and it’s a great way for your employees to utilise their skills while also contributing to the company’s CSR goals. Whether you are a Digital Marketing expert, a Content Creation whizz, or anything else you do in your profession – we want to hear from you! 

Donate items 

If your company can donate items that would help us take care of the dogs in training. We’ve received a variety of items from dog bowls and beds, to dog first aid kits.

To get in touch and explore Corporate volunteering options with our dedicated Corporate Team, please email  

Can you donate your time or skills as a company?

Fill out this enquiry form to speak to our dedicated Corporate Team.

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Canine Partners respect your personal information and your privacy and we will not sell or share your data with other organisations.

We may use your contact details and information on how you support or engage with us to provide information we think you will find interesting. To find out more about how we manage your personal data, please read our Privacy Policy at

To hear about our life-transforming work and ways to donate and raise funds to support us, please let us know how you would like us to contact you:

You can change how you hear from us, including telling us if you do not wish to receive occasional direct mail or calls from Canine Partners by visiting or by calling 01730 716 010.