Assistance dog trainer recognised for charity work

A PUPPY trainer from assistance dog charity Canine Partners has received an award recognising her lifetime achievements raising money for charity.

Ruth Narracott, 55, was awarded the Paul Harris Fellowship by the Rotary Club of Eastbourne for her contribution to charity at a ceremony held at The Langham Hotel, Eastbourne.

Ruth, who lives in Eastbourne and works for Canine Partners as the East Sussex Satellite Trainer, was nominated for the award by Rotarian John Wilton, who is a former puppy parent for the charity.

“I was surprised and very honoured to be given this award,” says Ruth, mum of two adult sons and a soon-to-be grandmother.

“It was most unexpected and I am grateful to have been recognised for the work I do supporting Canine Partners.”

The charity trains amazing assistance dogs to transform the lives of people with disabilities, boosting their confidence and independence.

The dogs are taught a range of everyday tasks including picking up and fetching items, opening doors and dressing a person. They can even help to load and unload a washing machine and they can fetch help in an emergency.

The award comes just after the Arlington Bluebell Walk, which Ruth helped to run, raised £4023 for the charity.

“Each year we take over the running of an established Bluebell Walk,” says Ruth.

“I organise a team of volunteers to help run the kitchen and café, take money on the gate, give out mobility scooters for people to borrow and greet visitors entering the farm and walk.”

Having worked for the charity for 10 years, Ruth started as a puppy parent before taking over the East Sussex Satellite.

“I have puppy parented numerous pups who have gone on to be matched with disabled people and seeing the difference they can make to someone’s life is amazing,” says Ruth.

“I bred my own dog Tiggy and nine of her pups from two litters entered advanced training and were placed with partners.”

Ruth is currently looking after a puppy called George until he is ready to enter advanced training at 14 months old.

For more information about Canine Partners, please visit

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