Winter appeal 2023
Can you donate towards the next generation of canine partners to help others like Penny?
There are around 100 people living with disabilities on the waiting list for an incredible canine partner. Due to demand, applicants are waiting. Can you imagine waiting years to complete day-to-day tasks independently, or not feeling confident enough to leave the house alone?
Please, will you give the gift of independence and increased confidence this Christmas? If you can, please donate £65 towards an invaluable day of partnership training between one of our assistance dogs and their new partner.
Donate now Having a dog will completely change anyone’s life but having a canine partner is extra special.
– Penny, partnered with her second canine partner, River.
Our waiting list is currently CLOSED due to high demand! By donating to our winter appeal, you’ll provide hope to around 100 people on our waiting list and those waiting to apply.
Will you donate towards the next generation of canine partners?
Donate nowYour support, as ever, is much appreciated by all of us at Canine Partners.
Read more heartwarming stories like Penny’s in the latest issue of Let’s Go! Magazine.
Read Let’s Go! here