Press Releases

Stay up-to-date with what we have been up to at Canine Partners by browsing through our press releases below.

It’s one giant leap as fundraisers abseil to help train assistance dogs

DAREDEVILS are taking their fundraising to new heights. Wendy Churchman is preparing to join a team of more than 50 people as she takes on Britain’s highest freefall abseil to raise vital funds for assistance dog charity Canine Partners. The Chelmsford mum-of-two will leap from the top of the UK’s tallest sculpture, the ArceloMittal Orbit … read more

Posted 7 years ago

Artists got creative to help people with disabilities

FROM doggy draft excluders to collages and masterpieces by talented school children – a huge celebration of art will help people with disabilities. Canine Partners’ Textile Art Challenge exhibition has gone on show at the Oxmarket Centre of Arts in Chichester. The exhibition will raise thousands which will help the charity continue its work training … read more

Posted 7 years ago

Canine Partners’ dog health officer scoops two Crufts awards

CELEBRATION is in the air at Canine Partners as one of the charity’s team scooped not one – but two top prizes at Crufts. Hayley Telling, who works in the assistance dog charity’s aftercare team, won first prize in two agility competitions at Britain’s biggest dog show with her pet dog, Teal. The three-year-old Shetland … read more

Posted 7 years ago

Life as a puppy parent for Canine Partners

WHEN Gus Doyle first set eyes on tiny Osborne she knew he was special. And with her love and devotion he would go on to change lives when he gets one of the most important jobs a dog can have. The dog-lover signed up to become a volunteer puppy parent for assistance dog charity Canine … read more

Posted 7 years ago

Schoolchildren dig deep to help provide dogs for disabled people

YOUNGSTERS swapped their uniforms for pyjamas to raise hundreds for charity after being inspired by an amazing dog. Children at St Mary’s The Mount Catholic Primary School in Jesson Road, Walsall raised more than £220 for Canine Partners which trains special dogs that transform the lives of disabled people. The students were inspired to help … read more

Posted 8 years ago

Top tips for animals lovers to ensure their pets have a merry Christmas

THE countdown to Christmas has begun. We’ve decked the halls, stocked up on festive goodies and begun opening the windows on our advent calendars as we wait to find out if we’ve been naughty or nice. But as excitement for the big day grows, assistance dog charity Canine Partners is reminding people of seasonal dangers … read more

Posted 8 years ago

A one in a hundred puppy

SHE’S a one-in-a-hundred puppy that will spend her life helping others. Celebration was in the air at the Canine Partners puppy training centre in Bedford as they mark their 10th anniversary and welcomed their 100th puppy. Little Pixie was born in September to Faith, a Canine Partner brood bitch that was also trained at the … read more

Posted 8 years ago

Leicestershire’s smartest to go head to head to help transform lives

BRAIN boxes will put their knowledge to the test as a bumper charity quiz comes to Leicestershire. Canine Partners is hosting a quiz night at its state-of-the-art Midlands Training Centre in Osgathorpe where it trains some of the country’s cleverest dogs. The amazing assistance dogs learn how to carry out a range of everyday tasks … read more

Posted 8 years ago

Stitchers, painters and makers are challenged to make something special

ART lovers are at the ready to stitch, paint and glue for charity. Canine Partners’ Textile Art Challenge is back – and this year it promises to be bigger and better than ever. The event was launched last year, by Olive Rowell, who was part of the team of embroiderers who helped create the Duchess … read more

Posted 8 years ago