
Our blog is the place to find out what’s happening at Canine Partners!

We’ll keep you up to date with everything from our heart-warming partnership stories, to top tips from our Dog Welfare team.

You can also find out who’s been supporting us and see how our volunteers help out. Maybe you could feature here soon? Email if you’ve got a story to share!

Meet Simon, from Bedfordshire

Simon was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) over 20 years ago and has been using a wheelchair for the past four years. His life was transformed when he was partnered with canine partner Velo.… read more

Posted 4 years ago in the Our partnerships category

Meet Sandra, from Glasgow

Sandra was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2009 and took early retirement from her job as a Psychiatric Liaison Nurse Manager. Her life was transformed when she was partnered with canine partner Bumble.… read more

Posted 4 years ago in the Our partnerships category