The Demo Dogs Diary Pt II : Another London Adventure

Posted 7 years ago in the Events category

Welcome back to another Demo Dogs diary where Toffee and Yarna share their London adventures!

Hello again! Or “woof woof” as we like to say. It’s demo dogs Toffee and Yarna back again to share our London adventures in preparation for the Draycott Carol Service on Thursday 14 December. Which is very soon, especially in “dog time”!

Do you have your tickets yet? We don’t need them because we’re V.I.P’s (very important paws – or at least we think that’s what that means?). Don’t you forget to book though because it’s going to be lots of fun, and you get to meet us! You can book online here.

Anyway, we have had even more London adventures leading up to the carol service, so we thought we’d share them with you!

Popping to see the Queen

As Her Majesty came to visit us at the Southern Centre recently, we thought we’d pop by Barkingham Palace and wave!

Yarna became a bit famous after the Queen’s visit for accidentally dropping the posies. She was a little bit nervous about meeting the Queen but she did curtsey before approach so we think all can be forgiven! You can read about that, and watch a video here.

Although we didn’t get another glimpse of the Queen, we posed beautifully by the Palace gates with our snazzy purple jackets.

We did however get to meet a man with a very bright red jacket – apparently he is part of something called the Household Calvary – not to be confused with carvery!

He looked very serious and focused on his job, so we posed for a photo before moving along.

He was even better at standing still than we are – which is saying a lot because we’re great at it!

Although we bet he’d quite like to sit down for a little while, like we do!

Catching up on Christmas shopping

Have you finished your Christmas shopping yet? We have!

As part of our latest London adventure, we stopped by the shops to buy our loved ones some Christmas treats!

Naturally we also snapped a few touristy photos in front of Christmas trees, including this very regal tree decorated with mini crowns. We wonder if the Queen decorates her tree like this?

Our Christmas tree would be covered in Gravy Bones and Bonios – that is if we didn’t eat them first!

We can’t wait to see all of the Christmas trees on the way to the Draycott Carol service next week either – maybe they’ll inspire us to come up with some less edible decorations for our tree!

Getting the latest scoop at the Telegraph offices

We lead very busy lives as demo dogs for Canine Partners – and as one of the Telegraph’s chosen Christmas charities, we had the chance to stop by the Telegraph offices whilst up in London on Sunday.

We had a very fun day of answering the phones and helping to raise lots of money to transform lives. The phone in day raised over £80,000 for the charities.

We even made some very busy journalists smile – a triumph indeed! Here we are with one of our canine partner pals resting our paws after many cuddles and calls with generous donors!

To round it all off, we were also invited along to the Telegraph carol service which is usually reserved for journalists only…we forgot our reporters notebook and tape recorder so we were a bit embarrassed!

Our adventures are all very good practice in preparation for our duties next Thursday when we will be showing off our skills and wagging our tails lots as we meet the carol service guests.

We hope to see you at the beautiful St Mary Abbots Parish Church then – where we will be joined by celebrity guests and more furry friends!

Book your tickets for the Draycott Nursing & Care Carol Service now


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