Rebecca takes on tough 250km desert running race in aid of Canine Partners

Posted 8 years ago in the Challenges category

Determined Rebecca Drackley is hoping to complete the toughest footrace on earth by running 250km across the Sahara desert to raise money for our charity.

Rebecca Drackley in Canine Partners jersey taking on Marathon des Sables

Rebecca, 37, who lives in Birmingham, will take on the Marathon des Sables 2016 race from Friday 8 April in southern Morocco along with around 1,300 other extreme runners from across the world.

The student paramedic hopes to raise £750 by completing the equivalent of five and a half marathons in six days.

Rebecca said: “I saw the Marathon des Sables on TV in my teens and thought it looked like an amazing race, something only for the elite. I want to prove to myself and others who don’t consider themselves as “proper” runners that anything is possible. The mind is a powerful thing and if I am nothing else then I am very strong willed!

“Preparation has been disrupted by foot injuries and niggles as well as the usual work-life struggles having recently taken on a new career.

“I first became aware of Canine Partners when Valiant came to my former workplace as an assistance dog for Sarah. Shortly after I was on Remembrance Parade in Leicester with my Reserve Unit and at the head of the parade was a veteran with his assistance dog. I decided then that my next charity race would also be in aid of Canine Partners.

“I have my own dog, Brindle, who lives with my parents and seeing how she has helped keep my dad active since he retired following a knee replacement shows just what a positive impact a dog can have on our lives. Canine Partners do amazing and tangible work.”

Holly Bryan, Event and Challenge Co-ordinator for Canine Partners, said: “Rebecca is undertaking a phenomenal challenge and is certainly going the extra mile to raise money for Canine Partners.

“Canine Partners does not receive any government funding and relies solely on donations so all the money Rebecca raises from this incredible feat will enable us to partner more disabled people with our amazing assistance dogs.”

The Marathon des Sables, which is ranked by the Discovery Channel as the toughest footrace on earth, is a grueling multi-stage adventure with rules which require runners to be self-sufficient in carrying everything on their back except water that they need to survive. Participants are given a tent to sleep in but any other equipment and food must be carried.

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To find out more about taking on a challenge in aid of Canine Partners visit our ‘Take part in a challenge‘ page, call 01730 716013 or email

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