#NationalPoetryDay Canine Partners Haikus

Posted 6 years ago in the A big thank you category

To celebrate #NationalPoetryDay on Thursday 4 October 2018, we invited our partners, volunteers, supporters and staff to send us their Canine Partners themed haikus.

Rio writing a Canine Partners poem

To celebrate #NationalPoetryDay on Thursday 4 October 2018, we invited our partners, volunteers, supporters and staff to send us their Canine Partners themed haikus.

The haikus came flooding in – with plenty of creativity! As we had so many, we have selected a few of our favourites below.

No more looking back.
Beside me, with me, always,
Life’s an adventure.

Jane, with canine partner Damson

Life turned upside down,
Now help’s never far away
With big love and paws.

Rosie, with canine partner Barnabus

What does your dog do?
Can you see my smiles and love?
Transforms can’t into can

Pat Hewett, puppy parent

Waggy tail greets me.
Wet nose, gentle mouth help me.
My Canine Partner.

Andy, puppy parent

A canine partner
A clever little helper
Makes life, much better.

John, an applicant for a canine partner

I’m changing folk’s lives.
Help you dress, open the door.
It’s just what we do.

Jim, office volunteer

Unquestioning love
Your eyes which talk to my soul
Give me back myself

Ali, puppy parent

Love, devotion, always there
Our dogs by our sides

Sara, Trust & Grants Officer

Friday nights begin –
Resting, fun-time, dog-filled hours,
Eager learner’s break.

Kate, fosterer

Where’s Wallis today,
Postcards will reveal travels
Never a dull day

Lesley, wife of Alan with canine partner Wallis

Come Here, Let’s go
These are terms I need to know
Food and fun then come

Dixie, puppy-in-training

Independence is
Important to each person
Our dogs give that gift.

Liz, Community Champion

A huge thank you to everyone who submitted their haikus. Even if yours has not been featured, each and every one of them brought collected smiles to our faces!

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