Meet Derek from Gwnedd and canine partner Olga

Posted 9 years ago in the Our partnerships category

Derek has TB of the spine and relies on a wheelchair for mobility. He has poor balance and cannot stand unaided. He now has canine partner Olga to help him.

Wheelchair user Derek with his assistance dog Olga, a Golden Retriever, sat beside him

I was diagnosed with TB of the spine, which meant that there was pressure on the spinal cord.  I ran a news agency and played semi-professionally in a band several nights a week, but in 1999 all that had to stop as my mobility started getting worse, and eventually any distance over 100 yards meant that I had to use a wheelchair.  My balance was shot, and I was unable to stand unaided. This is when my life took a nosedive: from going out several nights a week I suddenly stopped going out altogether.  I became like a recluse.

Then my wife found out about Canine Partners, and I became interested and applied.  When I received the call saying they had found a dog for me something finally clicked that my life was maybe going to change.   Olga was brought in to see me and instantly started wagging her tail.  I just could not believe what I was seeing – this bundle of white hair and fur was going to be mine. I finally went home with Olga two days before my 69th birthday … a day that will be imprinted in my brain for all eternity.

To say that my life has changed would be the biggest understatement ever.  From when I get woken up by the sound of a swishing tail on the bedroom carpet and an occasional cold wet nose on my cheek to the time when I give her the last treat of the day, that four legged friend of mine is never out of my thoughts.  She helps me in so many ways, such as helping me get dressed by getting my clothes for me, and opening every door in the house for me as I have to use two sticks or crutches to get around.  She picks up everything that I drop, and that is a lot of picking up, including items like keys, my sticks or crutches, gloves, mobile phone and even my wallet.  

However it is at bedtime that she really shines.  No more wriggling around on my back on my bed trying to take off my socks and trousers.  Now I just sit on the side of the bed and lean back and my little Olga does the rest.  She really is a very loving dog.  She lies across my feet during the day to make sure that I don’t go out without her, and in the evening she is back there again so that I don’t go to bed without her.

I’m feeling much happier in myself since little Olga came into my life. I have even stopped smoking since I have had her.  Overall when thinking back over the pre Olga days I didn’t have much of a life although I didn’t realise it then, but now I am much happier. She keeps me on my toes making sure that her needs are met.  When I have a bad pain day I know that my Olga will be there for me as I am for her.  She is the happiest, most fun-loving, most beautiful, friendliest dog that I have ever known.

I can’t think of any way to describe how much Olga means to me. I can’t thank enough the staff, the puppy parents, the fosterer, and all those people who give up so much of their time to make sure that people like me can have a damn sight better life.

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