The latest from our CEO: Happy Christmas and let’s get ready for 2016!

Posted 9 years ago in the The latest from our CEO category

What a wonderful 25th anniversary year this has been! I really cannot thank you enough for everything you have done to help us train so many dogs, transform so many people’s lives, and raise enough funds to make it all possible.

Four Canine Partners demonstration dogs wearing antlers and tinsel sat in a field

I have so many fond memories of the year! I really can’t single any out, as there would be too many but a flick through past blogs will give you a flavour. And I must take the opportunity to publicly thank everyone for your sponsorship of my own challenges in 2015. I’m going to stop running for a while and give my knees a rest! Time to find my bike.

Our partnership ceremonies have been so inspiring, and the fact that we held nearly twice as many in 2015 than in 2014 just goes to show how many more people are being partnered with these very special dogs nowadays. This is thanks in no small part to the fact that we now have a growing operation in the Midlands as we develop our Leicestershire site, along similar lines to our Southern Centre. The big news is that work is now commencing to take that a stage further, with the construction of our fully accessible residential facilities, which we hope to be using by next autumn. So we have a pretty exciting year ahead of us, not least because we plan to change even more people’s lives than ever before!

And you can help! As you collapse on the settee after eating and drinking too much over the festive period, now is the perfect time to make a New Year’s Resolution to join in the team effort. Why not get yourself ready to take part in one of our special bike rides in September? This gives you 9 months to get training; and a great excuse to go and buy yourself a new bike in the January sales! You will be able to choose a shortish ride of 10 miles to something more challenging, of 25 or 50 miles. We will be organising these at both our Southern and Midlands sites, and we will have more detail for you in the New Year.

Or if cycling’s not your thing, we’ve got lots of running events going on, at various points in the year, as well as our Big Dog Walks, for a slower pace, with or without your dog. And for the more exotic and adventurous, watch out for our brand new programme of overseas challenges which will be coming into play later in the year.

If you’re really looking for a new hobby, why not consider getting yourself enrolled onto our register of trained Speakers, so you can become an ambassador for us, giving talks to community groups in your area, or help us to train our puppies – don’t worry, we provide full training. If that sounds too nerve-wracking, we will be unveiling a new network of Community Champions in the New Year, who will provide more ‘behind the scenes’ help, putting up posters etc on local noticeboards.

So there’s something for everyone, and all details will be available throughout the year, on our website, which will have a new ‘look’ to it next year. All will be revealed later in January!

Wherever you live, it is highly likely that somebody is considering applying for a canine partner, and may currently be feeling isolated, lonely and desperately in need of the increased independence and companionship that our specially trained dogs can provide. By helping us, you will also help them to get a canine partner… and a new life.

Here’s to a happy, healthy and great fun 2016!!!


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