Daredevil Francesca to take the plunge to raise vital funds

Posted 8 years ago in the Events category

Fearless Francesca Moore will be plunging 10,000 feet through the clouds to raise £450 for Canine Partners. Would you like to take on a challenge for us?

Blue sky and bright green grass

Daredevil Francesca, 18, from Mayland, Chelmsford, said: “I’ve been looking for something adventurous to do and now not only have I found one to do, I can raise money for a truly amazing charity too!”

Francesca, a Writtle College student will jump in tandem out of a plane while harnessed to the front of a fully qualified instructor to raise money for our charity.

To donate to Francesca’s brave fundraising effort visit www.justgiving.com/Francesca-Moore5 .

If you’ve been inspired by Francesca and would like to take on a skydive or any challenge for Canine Partners then take a look at what we have to offer. You could walk, run, ride your bike or do something even more adventurous. We’d love to hear from as many budding Canine Partners challengers as possible.

Please get in touch and let us know what you’d like to challenge yourself to!

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