30 benefits to volunteering for Canine Partners – Winter Edition

Posted 4 years ago

We asked our volunteers why they love to volunteer for Canine Partners, and they gave us a very long list of fantastic reasons to get involved!

As it’s our 30th anniversary this year, here is the final edition of our ’30 benefits of volunteering’ series from our Canine Partners Community:

  • If you love dogs this is one of the most amazing and rewarding things you will ever do
  • A sense of pride for what I’ve achieved
  • Get involved, you won’t regret it!
  • Meeting friendly and supportive people
  • There is no cost to you, the charity supplies you with everything you need
  • Being part of something special.
  • Give it a go. You wont regret it!
  • You get lots of love from the amazing dogs
  • I was scared of dogs, but I no longer have this fear and just love having them around
  • It’s given me a new interest and I’ve met some really lovely people and their dogs
  • Do it! You won’t know if volunteering is for you unless you give it a go
  • Being part of something positive
  • Being part of the process that helps change people’s lives
  • Listening to our partnerships stories
  • Knowing I am making a difference
  • Visibly seeing the difference I am making
  • Being a ‘hidden hero’
  • Feeling proud to be a part of Canine Partners
  • Volunteering has changed my life
  • I wish I had become a volunteer earlier, it provides focus
  • Excited to be part of the team
  • Being part of an amazing charity
  • Feeling proud
  • Giving something back
  • It’s my way of saying thank you
  • Meeting like-minded people
  • An opportunity to develop friendships
  • A chance to learn new skills
  • Helping to change someone else’s life
  • I enjoy providing a stable home for Canine Partners dogs

Find out more about volunteering for Canine Partners and the roles we have available, by visiting the volunteering page of our website here.

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