Determined Clare completed 10k run dressed as a dog

Posted 9 years ago in the Challenges category

Local osteopath Clare Kersley has raised more than £300 after completing the Bexhill-Hastings Link Road 10K for charity Canine Partners – while dressed as a dog!

Fundraiser Clare dressed as dog with a 10k run medal

She said: “I dressed up as a dog and took part in the one-off Bexhill to Hastings Link Road 10k run to raise money and awareness for Canine Partners. Canine Partners is an amazing charity which trains dogs to perform all sorts of daily tasks and then partners these incredible dogs with disabled people. Assistance dogs can provide invaluable help with tasks that may otherwise be difficult, painful or impossible to perform for a disabled person. The dogs also provide that special companionship, unconditional love and affection which is so unique to dogs. Having a Canine Partner can, quite literally, transform a disabled person’s life, giving them back independence and the confidence to go out and about on their own.”

To sponsor Clare, visit

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