Hayley braves Mini Tough Mudder challenge for Canine Partners

Posted 9 years ago in the A big thank you, Challenges categories

Adventurous Hayley Golding, aged 13, crawled through sludge and battled obstacles in a Mini Tough Mudder challenge in Winchester, Hampshire, to raise £175 for our charity. She took part in a run jam-packed with numerous obstacles including a spider-web, mud hill, climbing obstacles and muddy tunnels.

Hayley on Tough Mudder challenge for Canine Partners

The daring youngster, whose family is the proud holder of Canine Partners’ brood bitch Bonny, raised the hard-earned cash to train more assistance dogs which will transform the lives of people with disabilities.

Hayley said: “I wanted to do it because I want people to notice Canine Partners more and raise money for them. I have a few more fundraising ideas in the pipeline after Bonny has had her puppies. I will bake cakes and I would do a sponsored bike ride on my own.”

A big thank you and congratulations to Hayley for completing this amazing challenge.

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