Canine Partners shop is closed
Thank you for your interest in Canine Partners shop, which is currently closed. There are no items for sale from Canine Partners through the online shop, or by phone or post at this time, and the shop will remain closed for 2023.
Thank you for supporting Canine Partners. For other ways to support, please find out more here.
Why have you shut the Canine Partners shop?
Canine Partners merchandise programme requires significant investment and resources in order to remain a viable and successful trading operation. Canine Partners is undergoing organisational changes in 2023, moving the Head Office function to the Charity’s Midlands Training Centre and closing the Southern Training Centre, in order to operate from a single base. To allow the Charity to focus its people and financial resources on these changes, the decision has been made to close the merchandise programme, including the online shop, for 2023.
When will you re-open the Canine Partners shop?
Canine Partners merchandise programme will be reviewed in order to understand the investment needed to restart this area of activity. We will update our community as soon as a decision is reached on the plans for merchandise.
What will you do with remaining merchandise items?
Following a successful clearance sale, very limited stock now remains and this is available to our teams to support fundraising and other activities.
Are you losing money by closing your shop?
Closing Canine Partners’ shop and merchandise programme this year is a difficult decision. There has been no significant investment in the merchandise programme for a number of years and as a result, income has declined. The Charity recognises the need to invest significantly in order offer a comprehensive product range, including seasonal goods, and to be able to manage stock and fulfilment. Unfortunately, the Charity is unable to prioritise this investment in 2023.
Is the shop closing to do with other financial problems the charity is having?
Canine Partners, like many other charities, is facing financial challenges as a result of the pandemic and the cost of living and energy price rises. Despite income growth, expenditure has increased significantly for the Charity. Canine Partners’ merchandise programme has had very limited levels of investment over the past few years and the income in this area has not seen the same growth as other areas of income. The merchandise programme requires significant investment, both financially, and with people to support and run the programme, so is not a priority area for the Charity in 2023.
Why does your shop still show on Google/internet search when I look for it?
It can take time for search engine algorithms to re-rank pages, so the Canine Partners shop may still show on search engines even though the shop is now closed.
Will you be doing a Canine Partners calendar this year?
There are no plans to create and sell a Canine Partners calendar or other seasonal goods in 2023. We hope this will be something we are able to do again in the future.