Carol service raises vital funds to train an amazing puppy

A carol service held to raise vital funds for national assistance dog charity Canine Partners has raised enough money to train an amazing puppy.

The service was held at Arundel Cathedral on Tuesday 11 December and featured carols, festive songs, readings and a demonstration by the Canine Partners Demonstration Team.

Canine Partners is a national charity that trains amazing assistance dogs to transform the lives of people with disabilities, boosting their confidence and independence.

The dogs are taught a range of everyday tasks including picking up and fetching items, opening doors and helping to undress a person. They can even help to load and unload a washing machine and they can fetch help in an emergency.

“Our first carol service at Arundel Cathedral was a huge success with guests enjoying a truly festive evening of carols, readings and mince pies,” says Cat Howourth, Events Fundraiser for Canine Partners.

“Events like this are so important to us as they help to raise awareness of the charity in the area surrounding our Southern Training Centre in West Sussex whilst raising money to transform the lives of people living with physical disabilities across the UK.”

The event, which included readings from Downton Abbey actor David Robb and former professional cricketer Lewis Hatchett, raised enough vital funds to put an amazing puppy through the first stage of training from selection at eight weeks old until they move into advanced training at around 14 months old, which costs £5,000.

For more information about Canine Partners please visit

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