A puppy called Lockdown: Episode 4

Posted 4 years ago in the A puppy called Lockdown series category

Meet Lockdown, a puppy destined for great things.

We are going out into the light every day now. It’s always bright and warm and the sky is very blue.  The hoomans come out with us and they stand still and look up a lot and breathe and say how quiet it is. They have started to notice the stuff we all know is important like the birds flying in and out and teasing us and the buzzies and hoppies and crawlies that we chase. Some of the small people play with us and they make a very happy sound which also seems to make the bigger hoomans relax a bit.

Being outside makes us more adventurous and Zoom nearly got me into trouble today. He never thinks about what I’ve learnt is something called “consequences”.

So, when no one was looking Zoom ran in through the back door and, naturally, I followed him. We were in the little room with metal boxes that we know make big whizzing sounds and steam comes from the one that makes clumpety clump sounds. Sometimes our blankets appear out of these boxes and they smell all funny.

Anyhow, Zoom saw the round door on the whizzy box was open with a pile of clothes in front. He went right up and jumped on the clothes then bopped the round door with his nose. It swung across and nearly shut, making a nice sucky sound. Then he put his teeth on the bottom bit that he could reach and tugged a bit and it swung open again. He fell back and rolled off the clothes pile, which I thought was really funny. Not wanting to look scaredy though, I went up next and put my paws up and had a look inside cos, nothing ventured, nothing gained right? It was all dark in there and I put in my head and… “Woof”… Mummy Faith gave one big bark that we knew meant we had to stop what we were doing right away.

The hoomans came and picked us both up and put us back in the bed pen, so I figure we’d done something wrong. But then one of them said that we were discovering our super  powers early. Super powers?

‘A puppy called Lockdown’ is an eight part series written and released during the Coronavirus pandemic lockdown 2020.

Each episode is released weekly during June and July 2020. Read the series on our blog here.

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