Dedicated siblings raise an incredible £1,200

Posted 9 years ago in the A big thank you, Schools and educational supporters, Volunteers and fundraisers categories

Three selfless siblings have raised an amazing £1,200 for our charity by selling their old toys and clothes, holding a raffle, bag packing at their local superstore and by asking their school to hold a non-uniform day.

Three siblings (2 brothers, 1 sister) who raised over £1,000 for Canine Partners holding their fundraising buckets

Callum, 14, Connah, 12 and Keira, 11, from Hull, East Yorkshire, decided to form a group called ‘The Sibsters’ as part of a Humberside Police youth initiative. The trio proved great ambassadors for us, and they hope one day their efforts will help their mum Karen Little who is on the waiting list.

Callum said: “They are going to help my mum so we should help them!”

A massive thank you goes out to ‘The Sibsters’ from everyone at Canine Partners. We are incredibly lucky to receive such dedicated supported and much need funds. If you’ve been inspired by ‘The Sibsters’ fantastic fundraising efforts then please get in touch.

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